Organizational climate: case study of a primary-care health facility in Morelos México
Objective: To analyze the organizational climate in a primary-care health facility in Morelos México.
Material and method: We conducted a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study using quantitative methods to assess the levels of the four organizational climate dimensions (leadership, motivation, reciprocity and participation) exhibited by the facility of interest. Our study population included all health personnel in the facility. To collect data, we adopted and partially modified the methodology proposed by the WHO/PAHO for the Program for Health Training in Central America and Panama (PASCAP). Our instrument was divided into two sections: the first explored socio-demographics and the second the organizational climate at the facility. The second section was designed on the basis of 80 randomly distributed items which were used to evaluate the four dimensions of the organizational climate; each dimensional element, in turn, corresponded to four subdimensions.
Results: Our sample included a total of 13 participants, with nurses contributing the largest proportion (39%). Of the four dimensions examined, motivation was the least represented (1.3 Sd.0.761), while leadership - the stimulus for excellence - was the lowest rated. The facility analyzed was assessed as having an average to unsatisfactory organizational climate, with gender yielding significant differences as regards leadership (p=0.032) and reciprocity (p=0.032).
Discussion: The study shows that the levels of organizational climate at the facility analyzed were only marginally satisfactory. The above influences the performance of the facility.
Key Word: Organizational climate; Evaluation; Satisfaction
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