Self-esteem, emotional intelligence, alcohol consumption, tobacco, social support and academic performance in nursing students




Objetive: Identify the relationship that exists between self-esteem, emotional intelligence, alcohol consumption, tobacco, social support and academic performance in nursing students.

Material and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The sample was 694 undergraduate nursing students from northern and central Mexico. The instruments used were sociodemographic Data Card, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Sale, Trait Meta Mood Scale-24, CAGE Instrument, Fagestrom Test, Family and Friends Social Support Scale.

Results: 80.4% were women, 56.9% reported high self-esteem; 49.3% reported high emotional intelligence, 48.6% consumed alcohol and 17.7% tobacco; 54.6% always have social support. Self-esteem is positively and significantly related to emotional intelligence ((rs= .223, p<.05), negatively and significantly related to alcohol consumption (rs= -.136, p<.05); positive and significant with social support (rs= .403, p<.05). The relationship of self-esteem with the different variables is significant (f = 5.930, p >.001) and is explainded by 21.5% with social support and academic performance being predictive factors.

Conclusion: A positive and significant relationship is shown between self-esteem, emotional intelligence and social support. And a negative and significant relationship between self-esteem and alcohol consumption. The present results show the relevance of implementing prevention and support programs for nursing students during their university studies. The present results show the relevance of implementing prevention and support programs for nursing students during their university studies.

Keywords: Self Concept; Alcoholism; Tobacco Use Disorder; Social Support; Academic Performance.


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Author Biographies

  • Nancy Griselda Pérez Briones, Autonomous University of Coahuila. "Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo" Nursing School. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.

    Doctor of Nursing Sciences. Autonomous University of Coahuila. Faculty of Nursing "Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo". Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Candidate of the National System of Researchers of CONAHCYT. Honorary Member of the State System of Researchers of Coahuila. Academic Body of Educational Research in Nursing and Health.

  • Alejandra Muñoz Morales, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.

    Doctor of Nursing Sciences. Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. University Health Center. San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Nursing expert from the CMPE. Member of Sigma Theta Tau Alpha.

  • Irma Fabiola Covarrubias Solís, Autonomous University of Coahuila.

    PhD in Public Health. Autonomous University of Coahuila. Faculty of Nursing "Dr. Santiago Valdés Galindo" Saltillo, Coahuila. Mexico. Member of the Academic Body "Educational Research in Nursing and Health".

  • Fani Villa Rivas, Juarez University of the State of Durango.

    PhD in Public Health. Juárez University of the State of Durango. School of Nursing and Midwifery. Durango, Durango, Mexico. Leader of the Academic Body "Social Health Care" PRODEP Profile.

  • Rocio Castillo Díaz, Juarez University of the State of Durango.

    PhD in Educational Sciences. Juárez University of the State of Durango. Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. Durango, Durango, Mexico. Candidate for Researcher at CONAHCYT, Honorary Member of the State System of Researchers in Durango. Member of the Academic Body "Social Health Care".






Research article

How to Cite

Pérez Briones, N. G., Muñoz Morales, A. ., Covarrubias Solís, I. F., Villa Rivas, F. ., & Castillo Díaz, R. (2025). Self-esteem, emotional intelligence, alcohol consumption, tobacco, social support and academic performance in nursing students. Horizonte Sanitario, 23(3), 613-621.