Active aging in Latin America: Narrative review of the literature




Objective: To present a narrative review of the literature on active aging in Latin America.

Material and methods: The search for articles was carried out in the EBSCO Host, Web of Science, SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet plus, JSTOR, Google Scholar and CLACSO Library databases, considering those that included people aged 60 and over, carried out in any country in Latin America, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, published from 2011 to 2021, open access to the full text. The descriptors used were: aging, active aging/active aging, healthy aging/healthy aging/Envelhecimento Saudável, successful aging/successful aging/envelhecimento bem sucedido, older people/elderly/Idosos, Latin America/América Latina/Latin America. The boolean operator was "AND".

Results: 36 articles were obtained, which were organized into four points: 1) active aging and its approach, 2) scales to measure active aging, 3) meanings and perception of active aging, 4) strategies to promote active aging and the major obstacles to putting it into practice. There is an incipient scientific production in Latin America compared to the European continent. The country with the most published articles is Brazil, followed by Mexico and Colombia, where the active aging approach formulated by the WHO is most frequently used. Most of them were published in 2020.

Conclusions: There is an incipient scientific production compared to the European continent. The main contribution of the review is to make active aging visible, showing areas of opportunity such as using mixed methods, the development of measuring instruments, the need for multidisciplinary work, and carrying out longitudinal studies accompanied by the perspective of the course of life. It is also necessary to work on the construction of active aging from childhood, as well as how to prevent ageism. The limitations are related to the complexity of the relationship between the pillars and the determinants, which can hinder practice and research.



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Author Biographies

  • María Alejandra Favela Ocaño, University of Sonora

    Full-Time Professor in the Department of Nursing at the University of Sonora, with 19 years of teaching experience and 9 years as a Nurse in the clinical area. He has a degree in Nursing from the University of Sonora (2003) and a Master's Degree in Nursing Sciences from the UANL (2006). Presentation as a speaker at national and international nursing conferences. Participation in research projects, publication of various articles in indexed journals and as a referee of publications. Winner of the State Award for Health Research in Sonora in the category of Social Assistance and Health Education in 2006. Certificate in Nursing from COMCE, A.C., valid until 2025. Currently candidate for the degree of Doctor in Social Sciences from El Colegio of sound.

  • María del Carmen Castro Vásquez, The College of Sonora

    Full-time Professor-Researcher assigned to the Center for Studies in Health and Society at El Colegio de Sonora, with 29 years of experience. She graduated in Sociology from the University of Sonora. Master in Social Sciences: Regional Studies from El Colegio de Sonora. Doctorate in Political and Social Sciences, Sociology Orientation. Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM. México, D. F. Member of the Academic Body of Social Vulnerability and Health from Sociocultural Epidemiology, in the Consolidated category. She has participated in various research projects, publications, as well as international and national conferences and presentations. She has also collaborated on evaluation committees and opinions of projects, research articles and as a jury in various awards. She is the director of doctoral and master's thesis, as well as a member of tutorial committees. Member of the Governing Board of El Colegio de Sonora (2017-2023).






Reviewed Articles

How to Cite

Favela Ocaño, M. A., & Castro Vásquez, M. del C. (2024). Active aging in Latin America: Narrative review of the literature. Horizonte Sanitario, 23(2), 475-488.