Mobile applications for self-learning in the caregiver of the elderly with stroke: integrative review




Objective: to analyze the evidence available in the literature on interventions with mobile applications to promote self-learning of care and assistance in the primary caregiver of the elderly with physical sequelae of stroke. Material and Methods: integrative review of the literature published between January 2018 and June 2022 in the CINAHL, EMBASE, LILACS, PubMed, Scopus and EBSCOhost databases. The data obtained was analyzed in four stages: theme identification, sampling, selection and categorization of studies and analysis, evaluation and interpretation of results under the CASPe method. Results: 2 were qualitative and 1 quantitative; the digital interventions were: mHealth, Movies4Stroke and MoCaB used for self-learning and assistance in the primary caregiver in the dimensions of blood pressure control, glucose, cholesterol and pharmacological adherence. Digital educational interventions increase self-learning and facilitate care in the caregiver of the elderly with physical sequelae due to stroke. Conclusions: digital educational interventions for self-learning and assistance in the primary caregiver from the scientific evidence are minimal. It is necessary to design accessible, dynamic and easy-to-interact digital interventions for self-learning in the generation of care skills in the primary caregiver of the elderly with post-stroke physical sequelae.

Keywords: Mobile applications; Internet-based intervention; Caregivers; Stroke


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Author Biographies

  • Gerardo Saucedo, University of Guanajuato

    Student of the PhD in Nursing Sciences of the Division of Health Sciences and Engineering of the University of Guanajuato. Master in Nursing, Geriatrics Specialist Nurse at HGR N°1 – IMSS, Morelia, Michoacán.

  • María de Jesús Jiménez González, Department of Clinical Nursing, Campus Celaya-Salvatierra, University of Guanajuato.

    Full-time professor, Department of Clinical Nursing, Celaya-Salvatierra Campus, University of Guanajuato. Doctor of Science in Nursing, Member of the ESAM-Mexico Network, Member of the Mexican Council for COMCE Nursing Certification.

  • Tirso Duran Badillo, Matamoros Multidisciplinary Academic Unit, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas.

    Full-time professor, Matamoros Multidisciplinary Academic Unit, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. PhD in Teaching Methodology, Member of the ESAM-Mexico Network, National Coordinator of the GREEFES group.

  • Anel Gómez García, Researcher at the Biomedical Research Center of Michoacán (CIBIMI)- IMSS. Michoacan, Mexico.

    Doctorate in Pharmacology.





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How to Cite

Saucedo, G., Jiménez González, M. de J., Duran Badillo, T. ., & Gómez García, A. (2023). Mobile applications for self-learning in the caregiver of the elderly with stroke: integrative review. Horizonte Sanitario, 22(3), 661-668.