Health and well-being in the social representations of health professionals in selected Latin American countries 2019–2020




Objectives: The research proposed three objectives: to describe the social representation of health and well-being; characterize the work of health professionals to promote well-being; establish similarities and differences between what they know and do, with respect to the concept of the World Health Organization.

Materials and methods: It is a descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study (Cuba, Mexico, Panama and Peru); after a literature review, a survey and expert consultation were carried out. Non-probabilistic sampling was used and descriptive statistical analyzes were performed.

Results: The health professionals, perceive well-being as very pleasant and comfortable, possible, sweet, good, responsible, flexible, safe, white, somewhat light, but a bit short and difficult; health is perceived as very pleasant, possible, comfortable, flexible, sweet, responsible, safe, good, white, light and long but difficult; most believe they know the concepts of health and well-being of WHO/PAHO, but when compared to those established by these organizations, they are not correct or complete, and their knowledge is insufficient.

Conclusions: In conclusion, they do not have a full understanding of the relationship between both concepts; most take actions to promote well-being that are easy for them; they are not perceived as active and transforming entities in the activities that generate a healthy life and therefore, they are not in line with the necessary transformations that privilege health and well-being.

Keywords: Health professionals; Health; Welfare; Social; Representation


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Author Biographies

  • Clotilde Hernández-Garnica , Faculty of Accounting and Administration. UNAM

    PhD in Administration Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Administration Sciences at UNAM

  • Nery de la Concepcion Suárez-Lugo, National School of Public Health

    Degree in Psychology, dr. in Economic Sciences. Principal Investigator. Full Professor and Consultant at the National School of Public Health of Cuba. Guest Professor of Latin American Universities. Technical adviser of the National Program for the Prevention and Control of Smoking and the National Program against Cancer of Cuba. Member representing Cuba in International Woman Against Tobacco. General Secretary of the Ibero-American Health Marketing Network. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Cuban Journal of Public Health, Horizontes Sanitarios of Mexico and Communication and Health of Spain.





Research article

How to Cite

Hernández-Garnica , C. ., & Suárez-Lugo, N. de la C. (2023). Health and well-being in the social representations of health professionals in selected Latin American countries 2019–2020. Horizonte Sanitario, 22(2), 327-336.