Marketing mix to increase enrollment in training of the Mexican Social Security Institute




Objective: To evaluate the impact of the marketing mix in the increase enrollments training services at the Mexican Social Security Institute.

Materials and methods: Analytical, observational, longitudinal and retrospective study of 6 years in the trend in enrollment training programs based on the use of marketing mix. The Pearson R test was applied to correlate the variables: price, place, positioning, product and promotion with the number of entries.

Results: An increase in registrations of 167% was found after using the marketing mix in the Mexican Social Security Institute through face-to-face, distance and labor training.

Conclusions: The marketing strategies applied from 2008 to 2013 were the diversification of the product (services “courses, workshops, talks”); the continuity or exemption in prices; the variation in the offer of new places to access the training; use of various means of promotion; as well as a positioning of the Social Benefits. Once established the relationship between the marketing mix and the level of increase in enrollments based on the Pearson R test resulted in a degree of significance of 0.839. Marketing can be applied to private, social and public institutions.

Keywords: Marketing, Social security; Health system.


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Author Biographies

  • Julio Gutiérrez-Méndez, Mexican Social Security Institute

    Administrative Department of the Directorate of Economic and Social Benefits, IMSS.

  • Roberto Karam Araujo Karam Araujo, Mexican Social Security Institute

    Doctor and Master in Senior Management. Head of the Health Promotion Division of the Social Welfare Coordination. Mexican Social Security Institute. Mexico.

  • Luis Alonso Fiol Manríquez, Mexican Social Security Institute

    Degree in Law. Head of the Social Welfare Coordination of the Directorate of Economic and Social Benefits of the Mexican Social Security Institute. Mexico.


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Research article

How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Méndez, J., Karam Araujo, R. K. A., & Fiol Manríquez, L. A. . (2019). Marketing mix to increase enrollment in training of the Mexican Social Security Institute. Horizonte Sanitario, 18(3).