Comparative study between the use of brix-3000 and the rotational conventional technique against tooh decay




Objective: to verify the effectiveness of the papaine-based enzymatic gelBRIX-3000, following the procedure for the atraumatic removal of carious lesions established by the manufacturers.

Materials and methods:This is a descriptive and comparative study based on papain gel application through longitudinal cut. This procedure was performed in 150 previously selected patients of both sexes between the ages of 5 to 12 years. The comparative group consisted of 31 children of both sexes with active caries who were treated with the conventional rotary technique. After the treatment given, patients were categorized on a numeric scale from 0 to 3, where Grade 0 refers to patient’s asymptomatic status, grade 1 when patient’s treated piece presented mild sensitivity to thermal stimuli (cold or hot), Grade 2 representspatient’s moderate pain and Grade 3 corresponds to patient’s severe pain. Patients were controlled at 8, 15, and 30 days after receiving the initial treatment with papain gel.

Results: 88.70% of patients treated with papaine-based enzymatic gelBRIX-3000presented grade 0 (asymptomatic) at 30 days after treatment, whereas 58.10% of patients treated with the conventional rotary techniquepresented grade0. Conclusion:There is a higher level of effectiveness in the removal of carious lesions when using papaine-based enzymatic gelBRIX-3000 in comparison with the conventional rotary technique.


Keywords: Atraumático; removal; cárie; enzymatic, brix-3000.


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Author Biographies

  • Fernando Varea Torresi, Rotary Club of Carcarañá Province of Santa Fe Argentina

    Dentist Coordinator Rotary Club of Carcarañá Province of Santa Fe Argentina. Researcher WAS Foundation Rosario Argentina Delegate CEPECRAF OFM Argentina

  • Margarita Freire Acosta, Universidad Central del Ecuador. 

    Dentist Orthodontist Teaching Researcher at the Higher Postgraduate Institute Faculty of Medical Sciences Universidad Central del Ecuador. 


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Research article

How to Cite

Varea Torresi, F., & Freire Acosta, M. (2019). Comparative study between the use of brix-3000 and the rotational conventional technique against tooh decay. Horizonte Sanitario, 18(3), 365-372.