Lifestyles acquired during confinement by COVID-19 in childhood: a systematic review




Objective: To know the scientific evidence to identify patterns of changes in lifestyles during childhood and their association with various anthropometric parameters in infants caused during confinement by COVID-19.

Materials and methods: A systematic analysis was carried out following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guide in the PubMed and Google Schoolar databases, the keywords used were diabetes mellitus tipo 2 or diabetes mellitus type II, hipertensión or hypertension, cuarentena or quarantine, covid-19, infantes or child, estilos de vida saludables or healthy lifestyles, sedentarismo or sedentarism, comportamientos alimentarios or eating behaviors. The search was carried out from April 2019 to June 2022.

Results: The search yielded 221 articles, only 5 articles met the inclusion, exclusion and quality criteria, which show that the COVID-19 confinement caused changes in lifestyles. life that were mainly associated with a sedentary lifestyle during childhood.

Conclusions: There is little information on the effects that COVID-19 confinement has caused on the lifestyles of infants, the existing information shows changes in pro-healthy eating habits in infants and decreased physical activity; therefore, activities aimed at guardians or responsible adults are recommended so that they can supervise feeding and improve nutrition, as well as carry out activities that encourage physical activity.


Keywords: Healthy lifestyle; Quarentine; COVID-19; child; Feeding behavior


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Author Biographies

  • Yeimy Mar De León Ramírez, Public Health Institute, Veracruzana University

    Dr. De León is currently a post-doctoral student attached to the biomedicine laboratory applied to public health at the Universidad Veacruzana, under the guidance of Dr. Omar Elind Arroyo Helguera attached as a full-time Researcher at the Institute of Public Health of the Universidad Veracruzana.

  • Xcaret Alexa Hernández Dominguez, Faculty of Biology, Veracruzana University

    Bachelor of Biology, currently assigned as a thesis student in the Laboratory of Biomedicine applied to Public Health of the Institute of Public Health of the Universidad Veracruzana

  • Omar Elind Arroyo-Helguera, Public Health Institute, Veracruzana University

    PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Professor-Researcher of the Laboratory of Biomedicine Applied to Public Health, Institute of Public Health. Veracruz University. Xalapa





Reviewed Articles

How to Cite

De León Ramírez, Y. M., Hernández Dominguez, X. A. ., & Arroyo-Helguera, O. E. (2023). Lifestyles acquired during confinement by COVID-19 in childhood: a systematic review. Horizonte Sanitario, 23(1), 231-240.