Factors influencing adherence behavior of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Objective: Analyze the factors that influence the behavior of Adherence to the treatment of the patient with Diabetes Mellitus type 2, in the Unit of Specialties of Chronic Diseases in Villahermosa, over a period of 6 months in 2018.
Materials and methods: A quantitative, observational, cross-sectional and prospective study was carried out, with a sample of 106 patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in the Unit of Specialties of Chronic Diseases (UNEMEs Ec), in Villahermosa Tabasco.
Results: The female gender predominates with 68%; the age range is 51 to 55 years with 19.8%. Regarding the level of schooling, 70.8% have primary education and 66% are dedicated to housework. Regarding the factors that influence the adherence behavior, 88% are with the patient and 77% with the provider; 56% agree that the socioeconomic factor sometimes influences and 49% report that those related to therapy never influence. Regarding the adherence behavior, 47% reported having an advantage for adherence, 41% at risk of not developing adherence behaviors and the level of knowledge of the patients, was intermediate in 49.1%.
Conclusions: The population studied has risk of not developing adherence behaviors and have an intermediate level of knowledge, which implies the need to assess the psychological intervention, as well as the patient’s teaching process, to impact and / or reorient them towards greater adherence as an important element in their benefit.
Key words: Mellitus diabetes; Psychosocial factors; Chronic diseases.
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